As a full-service laboratory, Pro-Art offers a wide range of removable prosthodontics. Complete repair services are available. Materials used Lucitone 199, Ivocap, Eclipse.

BPS brand dentures require less time at the dentist’s office, prevent sore spots caused by ill-fitting dentures and ensure a natural and aesthetic smile. Because they are fabricated through the unique injection process by our highly trained technicians, shrinkage is limited thereby eliminating the growth of bacteria and ensuring proper fit. BPS dentures can provide your patients with long- term denture-wearing enjoyment and allow then to lead an active lifestyle.

Eclipse is an innovative series of monomer-free denture base materials developed to improve patient satisfaction with associated appliances, while also simplifying device fabrication processes.
Great for patients:
- No MMA Monomer
- No Dibutyl Phthalate (DBP)
- No Cadmium in pigments
- No Bisphenol – A (BPA)
Since Eclipse denture has half the shrinkage of conventional acrylics, it provides patients with accurate, superior fitting dentures. It is great for patients with oral sensitivities.

Pro-Art fabricates Prime Dentures utilizing Dr. James Carlson’s comprehensive system of diagnosing and treating edentulous patients. Utilizing Accu-liner occlusal analysis based on Neuromuscular principles, these high quality removable prosthetics allow for completion of stable finished cases and will allow you to achieve predictable results with less chair time. These dentures provide your patients with an “engineered” restoration that is functional and practical. Benefits include stability and comfort, optimum neuromuscular function and occlusal analysis with Accu-liner.